Notts MedSoc is a student-run society for those studying at the University of Nottingham School of Medicine. We offer a wide variety of sports, societies, socials and events to help students enjoy their time outside of studying whilst at university.
We're sure there's something for everybody!

A Message From Our President...
Dear Medic Freshers,
I want to wish you all a very warm welcome to the University of Nottingham School of Medicine! My name is Charlie; I am your Medsoc president for this year. You are about to embark upon an epic and exciting journey over the next handful of years that will most likely be one of the key phases of your lives. University is a wonderful place with so many new opportunities, vibrant communities and fascinating people to learn about and get involved with. We also know that going so far from home and taking that big step into a more independent life can be daunting.
That is where we come in! Medsoc is the umbrella society that looks after all medical students and medic socieities. You are all, as medics, automatically a part of Medsoc. We run events throughout the year, help make your voices heard in the med school, are here for your academic and wellbeing support, and we sell some pretty cool merch! We are here to improve YOUR experience at medical school and to provide some memories that will stretch well beyond university life. In freshers’ week, we are running your Medfair where you can meet all the medicine societies and some key external organisations like the BMA. We will have an introduction lecture to introduce the committee to you. We will also be running some social events like boating on the lake in front of our famous Trent building. One of the beautiful things about freshers is that it is an intense melting pot of people from all over the place who are excited to be there and ready to make new friends. Be sure to take every opportunity to chat to your fellow students whether that be at freshers’ fair, in the medical school, at one of our Medsoc events or beyond. You may be talking to your future housemate, best friend or even life-partner!
Medsoc will also be running the ‘walking bus’ for you. This is where some of us will walk you into your first lecture from your accommodation sites and answer some questions that you may have! I personally met one of my closest friends on the walking bus and am now living with them!
I also want to introduce you to the medic parent scheme that we run at Medsoc. This is where we will pair you up with someone from the year above who shares some interests with you. Remember, they will also have a medic parent so you will be joining one big family who are there to support you and to help get you settled. This scheme is very close to my heart, and I am looking forward to seeing which of you become my medic grandchildren! Yes, we know it sounds a bit weird! Keep your eyes peeled on your emails and your year group WhatsApp chat to fill the form and get assigned a medic parent!
That’s all from me for now. I am so excited to meet you all and to see what incredible things you do this year and in the years to come. If you need us at Medsoc at all or have any questions, please done hesitate to reach out!
Wishing you the best of luck,
Charlie :)